Sunday, September 21, 2014

Happy Sunday!

This weekend I attempted to take some time off of work to spend time with the hubby, and while I did accomplish that yesterday, I find myself working yet again while he's out at a golf tournament :)

One of the first things I wanted to share with you is the calendar time that my students and I do everyday on my Mimio Teach. I can't even begin to explain how big of a blessing this new piece of technology has been for my classroom! You will see the before picture which shows how I attempted to turn my white board into a manipulative calendar time, but that meant the white board couldn't be used for anything else. With a Mimio Teach, that whiteboard has endless possibilities!

Our Calendar Time follows this routine:
-Sign in and Songs/movement
-Month of the year (sing months of the year song while students point to each month as we sing in their calendar binder) (some students have a PODD or a different Augmentative or Alternative Communication device, so they would point to the months of the year as we sing in that)
-Days of the week (same flow as with months of the year)
-Today is, Yesterday was, Tomorrow will be...
-What is the date? (count the number to the date)
-Today is... (this is where we put the whole date together)
-Weather (what's the weather like today, with graphing and dressing the weather bear)
-Math (Count by 10's, Number of the day (count it, before/after, even/odd, tally it), How many days have we been in school (hundreds, tens, ones blocks), Time, Money
- Signs of the week
-More Songs/Movement!

If you have a Mimio Teach or MimioStudio Notebook, check out my interactive calendar time on MimioConnect!

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